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botanica Ifalolaye

Mary As Untier of Knots Image Candle/ Vela Virgen Desata Nudos

Mary As Untier of Knots Image Candle/ Vela Virgen Desata Nudos

Regular price $4.50 USD
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Mary As Untier of Knots Image Candle 1 Unit

Furthermore, the Mother of God not only unties the knots, but crushes with
her foot the cause of all of them: sin, represented in the form of a snake.
Throughout the world, praying to the Virgin Untied is a way of asking for
Her intercession to solve all kinds of problems.

 Vela Virgen Desata Nudos 1 unidad

Además, la Madre de Dios no solo desata los nudos, sino que aplasta con su pie la causa de todos ellos: el pecado, representado en forma de serpiente. En todo el mundo, rezarle a la Virgen Desatanudos es una manera de pedir la intercesión de Ella para resolver todo tipo de problemas.

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