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Botanica Ifalolaye

Colmillo de Jabali 4”

Colmillo de Jabali 4”

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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The boar's tooth was a powerful talisman against curses, spells or 
witchcraft. Today, it is one of the symbols used to protect oneself from
negative thoughts and the envy of others, to increase self-esteem and
enhance one's own personality.

El diente de jabalí era un poderoso talismán contra las maldiciones,
hechizos o brujerías. Hoy, es uno de los símbolos usados para protegerse
de pensamientos negativos y envidias ajenas, para aumentar la autoestima
y potenciar la propia personalidad.
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